HEATWAVE AHEAD (sorry, no easy way to put it)...

July 2, 2024

Tuesday July 2: HEATWAVE! Starting tomorrow (July 3), a heatwave will kick in and stay with us for at least the next 6-7 days. Heatwave peaks Friday-Sunday and high temps will be 20-25° (100-105°) above the 80° normal! At this time, slight and gradual cooling is expected to begin on Monday and continue through the end of next week (although highs at the end of next week are still expected to be 10° above normal). Please see the charts below which show how quickly heat inside a car can become deadly and how the asphalt gets which in turn becomes a medical emergency for burned paws.

FIRE DANGER RATING is currently low here but will likely change to moderate (or higher) very soon due to things quickly drying out from the heat and winds. This rating currently varies between low and moderate across our local region. However, east of the Cascades and south of Douglas County (around Grants Pass / Medford) the fire danger rating is at HIGH.

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