Mon Jan 17: A few very weak low pressure systems will clip our area between Tuesday morning and Thursday night. This will cause partly to mostly cloudy skies with some light showers at times. Total combined rainfall looks to be about 1/3" (0.33"). Light winds 10 mph or less, snow levels near 5000'. Looks dry Friday afternoon through the end of next week (Jan 28). The pattern "should" changeover to wet around Feb 1 - let's see what updated data looks like over the next several days.
Normal high/low temperature is near 49/34. Area snowpack is 149% of average. Cottage Grove's precipitation (as of noon Mon Jan 17) is at 23.28",which is 107% of the 21.71 average to date since the start of the water year on Oct 1. January's average precipitation is 6.73", but we've only recorded 4.20" so far. It's unlikely that we'll get more than 1" by the end of the day on Jan 31.