Dry + warmer, then cooler! Low fire danger continues...

June 19, 2024

YOU are AMAZING and AWESOME! Dry with a warming trend and above normal high temperatures through Saturday. A cool down on Sunday will bring high/low temperatures to within 2-3° of normal and this should then continue through all of next week. At this time, I don't see any rain through July 4th.

FIRE DANGER: The fire danger is expected to remain low through at least around July 1. Current outlooks of the Significant Wildland Fire Outlook Models suggest that there WILL NOT be an above normal fire danger for much of Oregon throughout summer. This doesn't mean that there won't be fires, but instead indicates that the potential isn't above what we typically see. Many factors are taken into account with these outlooks, including the drought situation and dead fuel moisture (grasses and leaves / pine needles / dead trees / branches on ground, etc).

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